After School Enrichment For Elementary Students: Open to all area children in grades Early-5 through fourth grade and located at Churchill and Washington Elementary Schools.
All aquatic classes and activities are held at: Cloquet Middle School, 2001 Washington Avenue, Cloquet MN 55720. Enter Community Education door (door #2).
Play-Learn-Laugh-Grow with the Cloquet School Readiness Program! Families interested in wrap around care, please call the office at 218-879-9291 or email
Offering school age care for children in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade.
Li'l Lumberjacks Learning Center is a year-round program serving children six weeks to the first day of Kindergarten. We are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Children, Youth and Families. (Formerly DHS)
Li’l Thunder Learning Center is a year-round program serving children 16 months to the first day of Kindergarten. We are licensed by the Minnesota Department of Human Services.
After School Enrichment is a fee-based program run by Community Education offering a variety of classes for Churchill students.
After School Enrichment is a fee-based program run by Community Education offering a variety of classes for CMS students.
After School Enrichment is a fee-based program run by Community Education offering a variety of classes for Washington students.
Our BeachPinehurst Park is a great place to go for a swim with filtered, chlorinated water and a sand-bottom. Located in Cloquet, Minnesota. Just off Hwy 33 - at the intersection of 33 and Carlton Avenue.
Northern Outdoors Club owner, Cassie Janke, will teach students about outdoor education, recreation & safety here at Washington Elementary. It is imperative that your child brings all warm weather gear (snowpants, coat, hat, gloves, boots, warm socks) to enjoy this outdoor class. It's highly recommended that you send your child with an extra set of hat, gloves, and socks in case their original ones get wet at recess.
Wednesday, January 22: Snowshoeing Adventures ***snowshoes provided***
Learn and have fun Snowshoeing! We will quickly learn about the basics of how snowshoes work, size everybody up & have an absolute blast stumbling along the way while we learn how to walk again! After we mastered walking, try your luck at a snowshoe race and some fun games! Location: Outside - ALL outside warm winter gear needed!
***weather permitting- we may adjust the program due to snow conditions if needed.
Wednesday, March 12: Keeping Warm
Learn and practice the skills needed to survive in the cold outdoor Minnesota Winter! Run a science experiment to avoid heat loss by thinking like a MN animal during this awesome interactive class! ALL OUTDOOR GEAR NEEDED!
Location: Quick Inside space for start and end of program- the rest will be outside at Washington.
Wednesday, April 9: Nature's Candy
Learn and practice the methods involved in tapping trees for syrup sap. Identify which trees are needed to make syrup, learn where sap comes from, the process it goes through to become syrup, then compare store bought syrups to syrup made right in the Northland!
Location: Outside and inside, warm weather gear needed!
Full - waiting list