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Facility and Park Rentals
Course Category
About Facility and Park Rentals

School Facilities

Cloquet Area Schools and city parks are valuable community resources. Community Education manages reservations for five school buildings during non-school hours. We encourage community use of these spaces!

  • Schools Available for Reservation

  • Churchill Elementary School
  • Cloquet High School
  • Cloquet Middle School
  • Garfield Administration Building
  • Washington Elementary School

    Please remember to check the calendar for the availability of the dates you plan on reserving the facility. (Do not click on the "request Facilities" button on top of the calendar page.)

    To reserve a school facility, please click on this link: Online Facilities Request Form for School Facility Rental

    City Park Facilities

    Please remember to check the calendar for the availability of the dates you plan on reserving a park facility. Once you're on the calendar page, choose "Parks" in the upper left corner, choose which park facility you're interested in, and then click on "Check Availability". Please read these rules and regulations for renting the parks.

    • To request usage of a park facility, please click the following link: Online Request to Reserve a City Park
    • When the request has been approved, the contact named under "Person Responsible" will be assigned/notified of his/her permanent pin number.
    • When the Facilities Contract is sent*, the "Person Responsible" will be asked to respond using the pin number. The response constitutes an electronic signature and indicates approval of the contract. *Please check your junk mail folder in your email. rSchool notifications (the name of the facility reservation software) will sometimes go into your junk mail.

    If you need information about the Spafford Park Campground please contact the Cloquet City offices at 218-879-3347.

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